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Moving bed filters

Moving bed filters are complete filter installations which are pump-fed. The pond water passes first through the sieve, which filters out all coarse waste. From the sieve, the water falls into the chamber below, which is filled with bio wheels. After that, the water flows to the next chamber(s) for biological purification. This process results in excellent water quality.

Moving bed filters

Moving bed filters
Moving bed filter small
20 m3/hour
Retail price:
Moving bed filters
Moving bed filter medium
30 m3/hour
Retail price:
Moving bed filters
Moving bed filter large
30 m3/hour
Retail price:
Moving bed filters
Moving bed filter extra large
30 m3/hour
Retail price:
Moving bed filters
Moving bed 35
35 m3/hour
Retail price:
Moving bed filters
Moving bed 55
55 m3/hour
Retail price:

Contact our team.

Rens van Dijk
Rens van Dijk
Commercial Assistant
Monique Verhoeckx
Monique Fischer-Verhoeckx
Bram Hurkmans
Bram Hurkmans
Erwin Driessen
Erwin Driessen
Managing Director